High summer temperatures can be challenging, especially for pregnant women whose body temperature is due to their pregnancy already higher. Thus they are at greater risk of overheating and must be familiar with its symptoms. Recognizing the first signs of overheating in pregnancy allows a pregnant woman to react soon enough to cool down and prevent further complications.

“Higher body’s core temperature, together with hot summer weather, can quickly lead to overheating in pregnancy.”
Prolonged exposure to the sun and high temperatures can lead to body overheating, which can be dangerous to you and your baby.
During pregnancy, your body works harder to cool down both your body and your unborn baby. Your body is already more stressed, so adding the hard work of keeping cool can push you over the edge sooner than nonpregnant people.
What is overheating in pregnancy?
Overheating, also known as hyperthermia, is a condition in which a pregnant woman’s body temperature elevates beyond normal. In such a state, the body absorbs and produces more heat than it can dissipate, which leads to overheating.
How to prevent overheating?
Simple steps, such as avoiding a hot sauna, spending too much time in a hot tub, or avoiding sun exposure during the hot hours, will significantly decrease the risk of overheating.
While you can skip the sauna, you can not avoid hot temperatures during the summer. But there are ways you can keep your body cool during the summer. By following our summer pregnancy tips, you can easily prevent your body’s overheat during summer.
Symptoms of overheating are not universal, meaning each person could have different symptoms. Furthermore, you may not feel any discomfort even if your body temperature rises.
Therefore, knowing signs that your body is overheating is crucial for the prevention of further complications!
Signs of overheating in pregnancy
Pay attention to your body signs that indicate you might overheating:
- Headache
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, or sluggishness
- Possible fainting
- General muscle weakness or muscle cramps
- Nausea and vomiting
- Constipation and stomach cramps
- Feeling dehydrated, dryness of the mouth, and extreme thirst
- Decreased urine
- A sudden feeling of cold or chills
- Uncontrolled and excessive sweating
How to treat overheating:
If your body starts overheating and you do not cool down, it could lead to heat-related syndromes such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and life-threatening heatstroke.

Pregnant women who feel that their body is overheating should take the same action as other people:
- Immediately move to a cooler place
- Sip water
- Apply cold compresses
- Take a cold shower or sit in a cool bathtub water
- Undress or change into light clothing
If your symptoms last longer than one hour or worsening, you should seek immediate medical treatment!